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  • hbanziger

D - Day

Updated: Mar 26, 2021

After months of planning and much uncertainty, the big day has arrived. We met Captain Nikos and the crew of AFAET at lunchtime in Porto Antico of Genoa and sailed to Portofino. The big discovery trip has started. The first week, It will take us along the coast of Cinque Terre to Portovenere near La Spezia, then to Pisa, followed by two days around Elba. On the last day we transfer to Corsica. Yay!!!

AFAET mored in Porto Antico in Genoa this morning

Many Genovese make their boats ready to spend the weekend on the sea

Lifting anchor and leaving Genoa harbor

The oldest part of Genoa dating back to 600 BC is on the left - still standing on the same walls and foundations

Sailing to Portofino took just two hours - Portofino is around the corner

The old Genovese gun fort protected Portofino's harbour from Muslim corsairs

There were far fewer tourists this year than we expected

Portofino in its full beauty after 5 pm

Our anchor place for tonight in a small bay just north of Portofino

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