Below two photos taken from the same point in the Port of Bar - the first one from yesterday - the 2nd this morning at 8 am. What a difference a day makes - indeed!

Yesterday, C + 3

Today, C + 4
Today was a relaxed day. The sailing to Budva would take us no more than 90 min. On the way we would pass-by Sveti Stefan, the fortified medieval fisher village where Djokovic got married. It is now an Aman Resort and one of the most luxurious places to holiday. The Montenegrin Govt. must have been desparate for cash to sell such a jewel! Did I just say that 🙄?

Sveti Stefan - Captain Mustafa got as close with the Dragonfly as the depth permitted Budva was for over 400 years a Venetian town and its people spoke the Dalmatico. It was Venice’s eyes and ears on the Algerian Pirates in Ulcinj where we had dinner last night. Budva’s harbour is a bit larger and could shelter Venetian war galleys.

Approaching Budva which is on the left of this photo
The town is also built on a rock protruding into the sea and thus easy to defend. Its mighty walls are largly intact. When it became Austrian in 1815 it lost its strategic importance and started its long economic decline. That’s the reason why it is so well preserved! Nothing was going on.

Budva from the top if its citadel with the traditional Campanile
Today, Budva is the upgraded version of Ulcinj. A party town but with a few more affluent visitors. The number of Mercedes cars in the midern town is impressive! Many with German and Austrian number plates. The Euro rules. Not being too enchanted with the speed boats, para-sails and jet skies which swirled around us during lunch we moved half way to the Bay of Kotor and spend the night at Bigova Bay. It is a quiet place but has a modern Marina that looks rather empty. Development project financed by Austrian banks?

The rolling glacial hills that separate the Bay of Kotor from the Adriatic - our tender is going fresh vegetables and seafood