Porto Kagjo changed several times hands between Venice and the Ottoman Empire. From 1787 - 1790 it was the base of Lambros Katsonis, a privateer in Russian service, who harassed the Ottoman Navy with his private fleet of 70 vessels during the Russo-Turkish War of 1787 - 1792. His achievements were so remarkable that the Russian Empress Catherine the Great made him a Colonel and decorated him with the Cross of St George. When Katsonis did put down arms after the armistice between Russia and Turkey, his fleet of 21 vessels was attacked and destroyed by the Ottoman Fleet in Porto Kagjo.

Porto Kagjo - the old Venetian Settlement is to the left just outside the Photo - the Carpe Diem on beach anchor

The Venetian Fort now belongs to People from Athens who live there during summer - we strolled through their Garden and got invited to Drinks!

To keep an eye on the Venetians, the Turks built the Watch Tower opposite

It was the night of a partial lunar eclipse which we watched from our tender