G + 13 : From Cassis to Marseille - Hello from the Tethys Sea
G + 9 : Port-Cros - Richelieu's Play Ground
G + 7 : Mistral Reaches further than Toulon
G + 5 : Crossing Old Borders - Sailing from Villefranche-sur-Mer to Antibes
G + 3 : Menton and the Italian Invasion of France in 1940
G + 1 : Liguria - Transit Land
G - 10 : Nizza Honours Garibaldi - Does it?
G - 17 : "Are you seaman to fill your casks with wine rather than powder?" - the Siege of Nice
G - 21 : The Beauty of Mathematics
G - 32 : Genoa's Most Famous Son?
G - 49 : Genoa's Denial of Access Strategy
G - 74 : Why do Mallorquins not Speak Italian?
G - 87 : Toulon and the Longitude Problem
G - 99 : An Emirate in Saint-Tropez?
G - 102 : Toulon 1942 - Heroism or Infamy?
G - 103 : Fréjus - Second only to Ostia
G - 115 : Galleys are good - Clearing is better
G - 120 : Toulon - The Port that made an Emperor
G - 124 : How France snatched Nice and Savoy
G - 130 : Piracy - A cruel but lucrative Business