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Jul 10, 20182 min read
B - 16 : Does Google Translate Speak Aramaic?
Was reviewing the Roman recipes i wanted to write about today and suddenly thought why writing about something we could actually prepare...
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Jul 9, 20182 min read
B - 17 : The Institution of Household Slaves
The word “household slave” seems strange to us today but in the Roman Empire it was a well known term. Half of all slaves (2.5m) worked...
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Jul 8, 20182 min read
B - 18 : Unsatisfiable Demand for Slaves
Ever wondered why there are so many black street vendors in Rome selling fake Louis Vitton bags when - according to Italian authorities -...
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Jul 7, 20182 min read
B - 19 : Treasures Attract Pirates
One of the sorry side effects of wealth is that it also attracts thugs. When a trade worth almost USD one billion passes by your shores...
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Jul 6, 20183 min read
B - 20 : Treasures on the Sea
Yesterday, we learned that the citizens of Rome consumed around 300’000 tons of wheat per year and needed the equivalent of 500 Carpe...
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Jul 5, 20182 min read
B - 21 : Where Was the Roman Bread From?
When we travelled as young studente to Rome, my then girlfriend and me had of course no money. We had to put up our little tent on a...
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Jul 4, 20182 min read
B - 23 : Garum - A Live Experiment on Carpe Diem V
Most of you may not have heard of Garum, the fermented fish sauce Romans used as condiment. The Roman diet was not based on barley, but...
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Jul 4, 20182 min read
B - 22 : Roman Cuisine
Now that we know that Romans consumed lots of bread, Garum, olive oil and Wine, what else did they eat? We know this rather precisely...
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Jul 3, 20182 min read
B - 24 : HBA's Favorite Drink
One of the delights of our cruise will be the fabulous wines now produced in Turkey. The Rosés start to match the French Rosés of the...
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Jul 1, 20182 min read
B - 26 : The Fruit that gave us the Word for Oil
Yesterday, we discovered what staple food of Persian Sailors and Soldiers. Today, we are going to explore one of their condiments -...
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Jun 30, 20182 min read
B - 27 : The Persians and the Triumph of Barley
Most of us think of Mediterranean food as a vegetable, fish and olive oil-based diet with plenty of fresh fruit and wine. Persian Archers...
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Jun 29, 20181 min read
B - 28 : Sailing Along Four Empires
Hi All Resume my blog again from last year to provide background information and anecdotal details on the trip we are going on this...
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